Pure Love.
Pure love. What is it?
Unattached to self-serving outcomes? Perhaps.
To love another’s soul. Their innocence. Their outcries for love.
Truly love. Without conditions. Without regard to how one’s actions serve you.
Whether they call, write, or respond gently or kindly? Perhaps.
To overlook hurtful actions. To forgive. To move forward.
To choose love. Pure. Love.
Wanting for another to be at peace within themselves. To shine as brightly as they possibly can. Regardless of where you might stand in that light.
Perhaps you are eclipsed. But. You love.
And. Without attachment to your personal desires. You.
Keep. On. Loving.
Why? Because your love is without conditions. Unattached to another’s response.
Unattached. To. Their actions.
Your love. Flows. Freely.
What is the alternative? Who would that serve? Not you.
So. Choose. Love.
To give of your heart freely. Without conditions, expectations, or remorse. In this moment.
Starting. With. Ourselves.
After. All. How can we give what we don’t possess?
Pure. Unconditional. Impassioned.
In the End Only Three Things Matter. . . .
“How much you loved. How gently you lived. How gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.”